Documentation forum ?

Duncan Lithgow dlithgow at
Sat Mar 10 16:38:06 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 11:43 -0500, geert.poels at wrote:
> Hi,
> What better way to know how users regard the documentation, than giving
> them a platform for feedback.
> I know that the docs are open for everybody to change.
> But rather few people like/can/want to write documentation (or have the
> time to do so).
> Their feedback should nevertheless be noted.
> Therefore I'd like to suggest to open a documentation category on the
> forums.
I see no harm in that proposal but have another proposal which I think
has merit: If the bottom of each documentation page at had a comment box (something new pc users quickly
become familiar with) then people could easily comment on the
documentation they are looking at at that moment. The PHP documentation
has such a system at . This could be a
great 'entry level' for new contributors.

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