xubuntu assignment

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 01:29:33 UTC 2007

Hi George,

On 7/30/07, George Lesica <glesica at gmail.com> wrote:
> ok, i've been reading up on docbook, still a little confusing but i'd like
> to try to cut my teeth actually editing something then seeing what someone
> who knows what they're doing thinks about it...
> i'm looking at the xubuntu assignments, is there are specific one i can
> start in on for some "real world" practice?  i'd prefer to edit an existing
> document if possible since that would probably be easier.  any suggestions?

Although I assigned
the "printing" section of the Xubuntu documentation, it looks like it
might be a good place for you to start.  I would be willing to "give up"
that section...  Just so you know, we copied over the Ubuntu feisty
documentation, and are building on that for Xubuntu Gutsy.  This means that
you'll see a lot of references to Ubuntu, and will need to adjust
accordingly.  I don't know how familiar you are with Xubuntu, but feel free
to ask questions on the xubuntu-devel mailing list or #xubuntu-devel on IRC
if you get stuck or need additional information about how Xubuntu works.  Of
course, feel free to explore Xubuntu yourself, too.  :-)

also, the docbook tutorial is either wrong or some is weird in my copy of
> the documentation from subversion... on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Contribute
> the example file given under "a look at docbook" (right at the beginning)
> doesn't exist in my copy of the src... the path i find that file at is:
> ~/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C

It sound like you figured it out and are just reporting the error, but if
you have downloaded the current draft of the documentation via subversion,
you may want to start from the base /trunk/ folder of the current draft of
the docs to find that file.  For me, it is /trunk/ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C.
Someone may want to change that link on the wiki, though.  ??  It looks
incorrect to me, but someone set it up that way, so maybe I've done
something wrong.

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