basic commands patch

Freddy Martinez freddymartinez9 at
Sat Jul 28 23:50:21 UTC 2007

> Is there any reason at all to have a separate document being maintained
> for Xubuntu than Ubuntu? Given that the command line is all the same,
> perhaps this document should be maintained as a generic one.

No there does not need to be.  The edits I made are mostly related to
making the commands more consistent.   Most of edits are more along
the lines of making sure all the commands (cp, rm etc) had an
explanation.  Before I made the fix cp had a line that read something
(<acronym>cp</acronym> stands simply for "copy").  I added this to all
the commands, making them more consistent.  I would like to see this
patch considered for Ubuntu docs because its generally a cleaned up
version of the commands topic.   There are only about three
Xfce-specific changes:  using the run dialog box to launch
xfce4-terminal. The other two  are changing man gnome to something
like man thunar as gnome doesn't really apply to us when testing out
man pages.  I don't want to crate a distinction and I submitted the
patches to the doc team for consideration for committing in the Ubuntu

> Note also that this document was taken from the wiki so ideally we should ensure
> that any improvements are reflected there first, and then carried over
> to the repository towards the end of the release cycle.

Do you have an idea on how to do this?  Edit the wiki pages before
committing anything?  Considering the patches have been applied for
Xubuntu and I feel they should be reviewed for consideration in
Ubuntu, how can we fix this.  Perhaps this is a goal for all our new
documentation people.

Freddy Martinez

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