The TOC for Server Guide

Bhuvaneswaran bhuvan at
Fri Jan 19 05:43:21 UTC 2007

On 1/19/07, Lionel Porcheron <lionel at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have few remarks concerning the TOC for Server Guide (sorry for coming
> so late...). These are only suggestions, in no particular order.

Hey Lionel -- Thank you very much for such a wonderful suggestions.
It's not late though.

> * I think that is a bad idea to groupe in the same chapter "Mail,
> Groupware and Chat Servers". The mail server section will be a quite
> consequent, IRC and Jabber are quitte different. I would put them in a
> separate section called "Instant communication" (for example).

Good one. It is taken. Right now, we should focus more on preparing
the material. Later, we can re-organize the sections as per this
suggestion. But personally, i prefer to keep the list of topics
minimal and compact.

> * As we are talking about Mail, we are missing sections regarding MDA:
> Courier, Dovecot, Cyrus.

If you see the actual material, i think we have already covered
Dovecot. But yeah, this has not been updated in Spec. The spec should
be updated to include missing topics like these.

> * What about exim in mail servers? We have some documentation on the
> Wiki.

The above comment is applicable here as well.

> * I am not happy with having CUPS under "File Server" chapter. It is not
> really linked.

The spec can be altered to include this in "Print Server" section.

> * The "Windows Networking" sections does not seam optimal to me. I would
> more see:
>  * Introduction
>  * Installation
>  * Samba as a PDC
>  * Samba as a member of an AD
>  * Samba with LDAP authentication

Currently, i think we cover these topics under sub-topics. But they
don't appear in the spec. Please refer to the original document and
see how we can fit in this suggestion over there.

> * We are missing sections relative to mail filtering: amavis, clamav,
> postgrey

We can consider to include these sections once we are through with our
current commitment! Yeah, these sections are nice to have. But we
already have couple of important ones. Let us try to complete those
sections first and look into these sections later.

> * What about a vitalization chapter? I would see VMware server and Xen
> sections.

The above comment is applicable here.

> * I would not put Wiki applications in a separate section (I would put
> them in Web applications).

Yes. +1.

> * What about changing the order? I think that most people are interested
> with Web Servers, Mail servers and I would put them in first place.


> Last, I am happy to help in filling the sections :-). I wrote/contribute
> some pages that cover some of these topics on the wiki.

We are glad to hear. Your contributions are welcome and as Matthew
pointed let us know in case you need any help.

Overall, most of your suggestions are more towards re-organizing the
existing topics. My suggestion is, don't worry too much about it right
now. Let us prepare the material for all of them and do these gimmick
works in the end.

We look forward for your contributions. Good luck!
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