Patch: Ubuntu equivalents for Windows terms

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Sat Jan 6 01:00:48 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 01:18 +1300, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> This patch begins the "New to Ubuntu 7.04?" section with a glossary of
> commonly-used things in Windows, and their Ubuntu equivalents.
> I'll follow this with an equivalent glossary for Mac OS X, then start
> incorporating relevant information from "Switching From Windows".
> ...

This updated version validates, uses entities where appropriate
(creating some new ones), and temporarily restores the links that were
in the section previously. (Most of those links should eventually have
better homes, but I'll move them rather than removing them.)

Two bugs affect the presentation of the new text:
      * "All entities have unwanted space before and after them"
      * "Clicking an <xref> to a <glossentry> doesn't scroll to that
        entry" <>.

Matthew Paul Thomas
-------------- next part --------------
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