New Launchpad quick-start guide

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Thu Jan 4 16:36:04 UTC 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 03:35, Matthew Revell wrote:
| Howdy chaps,
| I've written the first of many Launchpad quick-start guides, "Creating
| your Launchpad account":
| Target audience: Non-developers new to open source.
| It's a first draft but it'd be great to get some feedback on this. More
| importantly I plan to Ubuntufy it - explain more about what Launchpad is
| and how it relates to Ubuntu - and your thoughts on that, as well as
| where it might sit, would be greatly appreciated.
| Quick explanation of what I think of as a quick-start guide: step by
| step instructions that allow a novice user to achieve a specific goal,
| without necessarily needing to understand the background to what they're
| doing.
| Cheers!
| --
| Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
| IRC: matthewrevell, #launchpad on

Hi Matthew!

Good job as always on this document. I only came up with one question or 
suggestion. The top part, the Info dialog concerning the dormant account that 
may have been created if a person filed a bug report or what not. Are you 
going to provide information as well to possibly help a user that may already 
have an account? That is the only question that arose while reading it. Good 
job mate!

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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