Wiki Software

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Mon Jan 1 01:47:14 UTC 2007

On Sunday 31 December 2006 19:09, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
| What wiki software does Ubuntu use for the official wikis?  Is it
| custom-built? I've spent a lot of time editing wikis, and it seems to be
| missing key features, like watchlists, <nowiki>, templates, protection,
| etc. Some of this could be because I'm not experienced with it, but it
| doesn't seem well documented :) either. Is there anyone talking about
| switching software, perhaps to MediaWiki?  The syntax seems to be partly
| based on MediaWiki.   It would be better to do it sooner rather than later.
| Matthew Flaschen

We use MoinMoin. There is a reason behind this, which I am not 100% positive. 
Mark (sabdfl) did state a couple of months back in a blog post about 
switching to MediaWiki. I prefer MoinMoin as it doesn't have a crapload of 
useless tags like MediaWiki has, plus I have been using it for more than a 
year now, so I am comfortable with it as well.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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