gbasba at
Sun Feb 11 22:16:20 UTC 2007
I am interested in using the Linux system, however after accessing your site and spending some considerable time in going round in circles I am emailing as a desperate last measure to try to finnd out how to get thinge going after installing Ubuntu. I would like to know for example , how to set up an Internet connection and other general usage.
Many thanks
John Morris
J Morris
Tel:- 07760 440 808
Email:- gbasba at
Ymwadiad Ebost
Ar gyfer y derbynwyr a enwir yn unig y mae'r trosglwyddiad ebost hwn. Gallai gynnwys gwybodaeth breifat a chyfrinachol. Os nad chi yw'r derbyniwr bwriadedig, rhaid i chi beidio a chymryd camau gweithredu'n seiliedig arno, na'i gopio na'i ddangos i unrhyw berson; byddwch cystal a chysylltu a gbasba at ar unwaith os derbyniwch y neges hon trwy gamgymeriad. Ni allwn dderbyn unrhyw gyfrifoldeb dros unrhyw golled neu niwed sy'n digwydd o ganlyniad i firysau meddalwedd.
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