Additions to office.xml

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Feb 5 22:51:35 UTC 2007

Hi Phil,

On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 09:01 +0000, Phil Bull wrote:
> > I think the Office topics should be condensed into a single page with a 
> > title something like "Working with Microsoft Office documents". People 
> > wanting more information on using, AbiWord, or Gnumeric 
> > should use the help functions in those individual programs.
> I think we should identify the most common problems/questions related to
> 'office' work that people have and document them. I'd guess that these
> problems would mostly involve compatibility or finding features
> equivalent to those in MS Office.

This is a tricky one because in the current yelp front page we are not
linking to the office material, and I can't really think of any way that
we could do so from the existing topics.

The only way I can think of to slot some solid Office material into the
system we have right now would be to create a new topic, along the lines
of "Documents, Files, and Folders" (copyright - ) and putting it alongside
the "Working with Files" section from the Gnome User Guide.

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