DocuMENTOR program

Kevin Zak kevinzak21 at
Mon Dec 31 07:05:22 UTC 2007


My name is Kevin Zak. I'm an aspiring PHP programmer, web developer, and PC
repairman. In the course of my work I frequently use Kubuntu, which I am
currently dual booting (Gutsy) along with Windows XP. Recently I've become
very interested in helping the Ubuntu project and eventually (when I feel I
have contributed enough) I plan to apply for membership. I consider myself
fairly accomplished with both basic and advanced grammar as well as sentence
structure in documentation and walk-throughs.  I was previously a member and
unofficial leader of the ZetaBoards Documentation Team. ZetaBoards is a free
forum provider, and my team's overall purpose was to document every area of
the new software that was being developed, as well as the current software
that InvisionFree ran, IPB v 1.3. In the course of my position there, I not
only bettered myself by improving my writing skills, but I also learned many
things that I believe would help the Ubuntu  documentation project. I am
familiar with wiki syntax and I am accustomed to working with wiki software.
I like to think that I am good at working as a team. I am an extremely
organized person. I know how to write to specific audiences, for instance to
someone brand new to the software, as well as to advanced users who need

I'm very excited to become a member of your program, and I hope that I can
eventually join your ranks as full documentation team members. I look
forward to hearing from you.

Kevin Zak
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