combo box terminology

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Mon Dec 17 15:17:27 UTC 2007


I've often wondered whether most folks know what a "combo box" is, so  
I've avoided it.

"Drop down" is more descriptive, but I wonder whether "Pull down" is  
better/less passive.

And, "box" doesn't seem to add much.

How about "Pull down list"?


On Dec 16, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Ben wrote:

> i'm working on the standard terminology section of the style guide.  
> I've
> been borrowing heavily from the gnome style guide, but writing in my  
> own
> words, as we are releasing into the public domain. However, the combo
> box it a bit tricky. The gnome guide says to use drop-down combination
> box rather than combo box- i agree, but what do you all think?
> also, should it be:
> Choose <userinput>Ubuntu</userinput> from the <guilabel>Operating
> System</guilabel> choices.
> or
> Choose <userinput>Ubuntu</userinput> from the <guilabel>Operating
> System</guilabel> [combo box/drop-down combination box].
> I prefer the first.
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