DocBook and introduction
Emma Jane Hogbin
emmajane at
Sat Dec 15 16:32:12 UTC 2007
Phil Bull wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 21:01 -0500, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> perfectly in the "DocBook Conventions" section I think, but it might be
> better just to link to the document from the Ubuntu style guide rather
> than reproduce it in full, for ease of maintenance. Of course, then the
> style guide wouldn't form a self-contained document, but I doubt anyone
> would actually use it as such anyway...
The LDP team is undergoing a lengthy debate on what markup language
should be used for its documentation. While we wait for some kind of
decision to be made, The LDP Author Guide is receiving bug fixes but is
not undergoing active development.
>> Additional interests include making a stripped down, teen-friendlier
>> version of Linux documentation. My local LUG has been recycling old
>> hardware and giving it to families in need as identified by a local
>> charitable organization. For this project we're using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.
>> There have been a few docs we've shipped out with the machines but all
>> of them have additional layers of fluff that aren't relevant to our
>> users (and with not nearly enough graphical interest to make them worth
>> reading at the age of 14).
> Do you have a link to this documentation? I'd be very interested in
> taking a look at it.
Not yet! We're just contacting the schools now to find interested
"kids." In our schooling system teens need to do 40 hours of volunteer
community work over four years. Contributions to this documentation
project will be used as part of these hours.
>> I am happy to help out with other documentation as needed. Personally, I
>> use Ubuntu as my primary (and only) desktop environment. As a result I'm
>> most familiar with general desktop applications, although I've retained
>> a fair amount of CLUE-friendliness from my Debian days. If there are
>> known gaps I'm happy to take a look.
> That would be great, thanks! Is there anything in particular that you'd
> be interested in working on?
I don't really have anything in particular... I just like working on
documentation. :) I'm actually one of those freakish people that
*enjoys* adding XML markup to documents, looking at overall document
structure and filling in gaps as needed. Based on the Team Mentoring
page that seems to be where most of us are able to contribute. I've
checked out the page as
well. Is there a better place to documented needs for documentation?
Emma Jane Hogbin, B.Sc.
Founder, xtrinsic
phone: (519) 371-2665
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