DocBook and introduction

Matthew East mdke at
Sat Dec 15 14:31:30 UTC 2007


On Dec 15, 2007 1:51 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:
> Hi Emma,
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 21:01 -0500, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> Thanks for your offer. I'm unsure of the status of the style guide at
> the moment; it seems to have been neglected for quite a while, but it
> definitely needs finishing.

I'm hoping that we can move the styleguide into the wiki at, although it
still needs some work on it to tidy up some of the problems caused by
importing it from xml. We should probably chunk it into different
subpages too.

> The document you linked to would fit
> perfectly in the "DocBook Conventions" section I think, but it might be
> better just to link to the document from the Ubuntu style guide rather
> than reproduce it in full, for ease of maintenance. Of course, then the
> style guide wouldn't form a self-contained document, but I doubt anyone
> would actually use it as such anyway...

You'd also have the problem of licensing - the style guide is public
domain so you can't just copy copyrighted material into it.

> > And also an introduction. Hello! My name is Emma.

Welcome aboard Emma!

Matthew East
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