helping with Xubuntu Documentation

Michael Price m_price04 at
Wed Dec 5 22:46:01 UTC 2007

I have done quite a bit of work on the Wiki already, (member of Wiki Team) but I would also like to help with the Documentation for Xubuntu. 

George Lesica <glesica at> wrote: On Dec 5, 2007 3:35 PM, Michael Price  wrote:
> I would like to help with the Xubuntu Documentation if any help is needed.

we'd love to have you! check the #xubuntu-devel channel on irc, i'm on
there usually (oldmanstan).

would you be interested in helping us edit the wiki?

see and also

we are also creating our own todo list at

alternatively if you'd like to work on the documentation that ships
with the operating system (and just for general info) check out

we will be talking on irc in the near future about specific tasks, so
stay tuned, we'll make sure you're kept up-to-speed.

again, welcome!

-george (oldmanstan)

~ George T. Lesica
glesica at

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