Joining the team

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Mon Aug 13 21:20:16 UTC 2007

On Monday 13 August 2007, Kyle Williams wrote:
| Hi All
| I've decided that it's time for me to start making my contribution to free
| software and thus would like to join the Ubuntu Documentation Team.

Exactly how I got started many years ago. If you stick with it, before you 
know it, you will be involved in so many aspects of free software that it 
will blow your mind.

| A bit of background information about me,
| I'm a 2nd year Business Science student at the University of Cape Town, set
| to major and do honours levels in either computer science or statistics (or
| maybe both!).

Business major myself doing a dual major right now with comp sci as well. Cool 

| I've been using GNU/Linux since 2003 and have experimented with most
| distributions. I first installed Ubuntu with the release of Warty and
| thought it was nice but not ready to be used as my main distribution of
| choice. Then in 2006, after hearing many people's appraisal of Ubuntu
| thought I would try it once again. I installed Kubuntu Edgy and was blown
| away by the
| improvements since Warty and have been using Kubuntu on my laptop and
| desktop since.

Well, Kubuntu is my cup o' tea, so I know we can definitely use your help. As 
it stands, there are 3 of us working on-and-off on the Kubuntu documentation 
for about a year and a half now. So we can definitely use you.

| I don't have much experience when it comes to writing technical
| documentation nor have I worked with DocBook/XML before. However I'm handy
| with a pen so to speak, and am more than willing to learn.

As long as you can read and write English, look over our current 
documentation, you can start to write somewhat technically rather quickly. 
Any type of writing style will work of course, as myself (nixternal), 
Jonathan Jesse (jjesse), and Venkat Raghavan (robotgeek) can always help you 
out with it, and convert it and use it when time permits of course. Jonathan 
and Venkat both have lives, I don't, so I am always working on Kubuntu :)

If you get a chance to get on IRC at all, check out #ubuntu-doc on and we can see what you can start working on to get up to 
speed. Like I said, it is fairly easy work, but it can be time consuming and 
tedious at times. Thanks for contacting the list and we look forward to 
working with you! Welcome!

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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