a few questions, printers xubuntu doc, general enlightenment needed

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 07:32:35 UTC 2007

Hi George,

On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 01:18 -0500, George Lesica wrote:
> Ok, I've taken a look at the Printers document.  A few questions
> though:
> 1) how do most people go about editing these things?  would you
> recommend i write out what i want to say in a text editor then paste
> it into the xml?  it seems like trying to write content amongst the
> markup would lead to errors, but that could also just be because it's
> still new and scary to me ;) 

It's a good idea to write out what you want to say first and then add
the markup later. The markup isn't too scary, it's very similar in
concept to HTML.

> 2) should i make some changes to it and send it along to someone for
> their opinion? or should i try to get the whole thing "done" before
> someone critiques it?

It's probably best to send your changes to this list for review every so
often. That way, if someone notices a major problem, you can fix it

> 3) is there a blueprint of some sort for what this is going to look
> like in the end? (other than what can be gathered from poking through
> the source).  i looked around the wiki, nothing popped out at me.  i
> guess i'm having a hard time visualizing the finished product so it's
> hard to think about what exactly should be included in any given
> document.  along with this, how exhaustive are we attempting to be?  i
> can think of a million (well, not quite) different topics that would
> be tangentially related to printing.  is there a rule of thumb about
> how much detail is "enough"? 

It's probably best to try and answer common questions about printing, I
think. For example, lots of people are going to want to know how to
change the paper size, but hardly anyone will want to know about
changing job priorities (I imagine).

> anyway, just some questions, i'm going to have me a one-man
> learn-a-thon this weekend to see if i can't get more comfortable and
> actually do something useful :)

If you get stuck at all, please let us know so that we can help you out.
Good luck with it all!



Phil Bull

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