Finishing the Ubuntu-docs for Edgy

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at
Thu Sep 14 10:44:39 UTC 2006

Apparently, the patch for the Internet.xml wasn't proper, so I made
another one which also includes the changed .omf files. I've also
attached the new .omf file for the "Switching from Windows" guide which
should go into the /ubuntu/switching/C/ folder so that it can be found
by the front page.

Don has fixed up the Yelp front page to contain the new "Switching from
Windows" guide, though I've been unable to compile and test it (weird
dependency issues I couldn't figure out), so I hope to leave that for
the Desktop team to worry about.

If somebody could commit the patch and add the .omf file to the SVN,
then I think we're all set to go, and I'll go pester the Desktop team
about the packaging.




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