diff for switching guide

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 23:23:53 UTC 2006

Hi Neil,

On Sun, 2006-09-10 at 22:18 +0200, Neil Robinson wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I think that the switching guide is a key document, and I'd like to help
> make it as persuasive as possible for those who have not yet seen the
> light. ;)
> I also don't want to duplicate your efforts (which I've done a little
> with my last submission).
> Is there a part of the guide I can focus writing on (that you aren't
> busy with), or would it be more beneficial if I just do some sub-editing
> on the work that you (or Rich) commit?
> Neil

DocString Freeze is almost upon us (Thursday 14th Sept.), so there's not
really enough time left to do anything extensive for this release cycle
unfortunately :(

I've completed what I *think* is a usable guide with the attached patch.
Could you re-create your patch against this version, please Neil? I've
also commented out the include for authentication.xml (not yet written),
which was only going to be an appendix anyway. It can be written ready
for Edgy+1 instead.

For the next few days I'll be reviewing the document, so please feel
free to help out with this! All comments/corrections/grumbles welcome.
Also, if you are in a position to do so, please test the data migration
instructions (browser bookmarks, email etc), as I haven't had time to
test them properly myself.

After that, we can add a lot more polish to the document for Edgy+1. For
now, I just hope it's in a good enough shape to be useful.



Phil Bull
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