Corey Burger
corey.burger at
Sat Sep 9 04:00:00 UTC 2006
On 8/14/06, LMF <lmf5000 at> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm not sure whether I am sending this comment to the correct person, but
> I've found it extremely troublesome to find this address. My suggestions are
> as follows:
> 1. Make a kind of "directory tree" at the top of the page, so users know HOW
> they got to the page they are currently in (for example, something like
> "Community --> Documentation team" for the web page I used to het this
> address). This will make it easier to navigate the website, as it can be a
> bit overwhelming at times. Another advantage is that the users will find it
> easier to remember where they went and will be easily able to go to the same
> place on the site, even on another computer, should the need arise.
> 2. More importantly, the FAQ section needs the addition of some questions -
> the Kubuntu FAQ has them all. The question about playing MP3s is a very
> important question, and I strongly suggest incorporating it in the Ubuntu
> FAQ (it can be found at
> ). Finding the answer to that question on the Ubuntu website the way it
> currently is requires delving deep into the wiki section - something that
> some users may not think of doing, or not bother doing (and perhaps hence
> looking for a different distribution which offers native MP3 support).
> I trust you will forward this email to the correct section of the website if
> necessary
> Regards,
> Luke Formosa
> P.S. Congratulations on the wonderful distribution... (I'm writing this
> email on ubuntu) The documentation is the best of any linux distribution
> I've seen so far!
Please file bugs against the ubuntu-website product in Launchpad. This
will help tracking. The first issue probably requires a fair bit of
hacking, but the FAQ one can be fixed.
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