book content in dapper

email.listen at email.listen at
Mon May 8 10:05:37 UTC 2006

Am Mon, 8. May 2006 10:46 schrieb Matthew East:
> On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 16:35 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> > On 5/8/06, Jane Silber <jane.silber at> wrote:
> > > I'm not sure where/how it is best to include this material.  It should
> > > be some place relatively discoverable (in a menu? in ExampleContent?
> > > both?)  Matt Zimmerman has asked if you all can suggest a way to do
> > > this and include a placeholder now so that we can drop in the final
> > > content as soon as we get it.
> >
> > I would suggest to have it linked from both the firefox startpage (on
> > the upper right corner as link box or something that yells "this are
> > some chapters from the official book") and Yelp frontpage itself,
> > although the Yelp frontpage is already crowded. From  Kubuntu, I don't
> > see this as an issue in KHelpCenter since it can be easily created as
> > a node and the document tree is always visible.
> The difficulty with including this content in the ordinary way (in Yelp)
> is that it really comprehensively overlaps with material that already
> exists. We're going to cause a lot of confusion if we include this
> material in that way because:
>  (a) we have done a lot of work to try and promote the desktop and
> server guides in the yelp table of contents and ensure that the user is
> not confused by all the overlaps that already exist between our
> documentation and the Gnome documentation.
IMO, no point for not having the book content.
The Book will be for those who like to have a printed version. Yelp is for 
those who prefer online reading

>  (b) the existing documentation is translated, whereas this wouldn't be.
This is the point, the book content _must_ be translated!

BTW, you are wrong the desktop guide is _not_ translated (at least not for 

Ubuntu Desktop Anleitung

    * Über diese Anleitung
    * 1. Am Anfang
    * 2. Adding, Removing and Updating Applications
    * 3. Common Tasks
    * 4. Konfigurieren des Systems
    * 5. Weitere Hilfe erhalten
    * A. Creative Commons by Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0
    * B. GNU Free Documentation License

> The same problems arise with linking it from the firefox home page, and
> including it in the System/Help menu. I think that the same problems
> also arise for Kubuntu.
> (By the way, and of course speaking merely personally, it is quite
> discouraging to have put in loads of work on the Desktop Guide (not to
> mention trying to ensure that our guides don't overlap, and that
> everything is translated) over this release and then find that
> untranslated material written outside the group with basically the same
> scope is going to be included as well).
I would judge this as a lack of coordination in documentation writing.
May be it should be discussed how such redundant work may be avoided in the 
future. It's ineffective and as you mentioned it may become dismotivating, 

> I suppose that including it in example-content would be an option. The
> best option from my point of view would be to not include it at all, and
> ensure that the material can be integrated with our existing guides for
> Edgy. That way, it will get translated, we can eliminate the overlaps,
> and the documentation team doesn't get a kick in the teeth.

BTW, SUSE does so since it's beginning with the 'Susebuch'.

They also have packages which where used to do the layout, e.g. the susebuch 
latex maxros. I'm using this stuff since nearly ten years for documentations.

> my 2 cents.
+ my 2¢


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