Ubuntu Help compared with other help systems

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Fri Mar 31 06:56:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 11:40 +1200, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> <http://www.g2meyer.com/usablehelp/gallery/index13.html>
> Notice how almost all the other help systems are organized based on 
> things you might need help with, while the Ubuntu Help system is 
> organized based on the way its authors were grouped.

Do you mean the split between the gnome/system documentation and the
ubuntu-specific guides at the bottom?

> Will the front page in Ubuntu 6.06's help be more useful?

If you mean what I've taken you to mean above, then no, it won't be more
useful. It will be slightly more useful to the extent that the Ubuntu
specific guides are separated into Desktop, Server and Packaging guides,
but no further than that.

mdke at ubuntu.com
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