xubuntu desktop guide

Luzi Thoeny lucius.antonius at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 00:20:34 UTC 2006

hi list,

i've started a xubuntu desktop guide. there's not much content yet, but 
it's growing.

you can check it out at:

get the source tarball at:

if it is put in the right location in ubuntu-doc, you should be able to 
build it with the included Makefile.

it would be really great if it could be integrated into the subversion 
archive. what do you think?

 - the pictures in ubuntu-doc/build/common/admon should be rendered 
against a transparent background, not a white one. i've made a quick 
'hack' which works fairly well on close-to-white backgrounds. you can 
find these modified pictures in the tarball mentioned above.

- i manually disabled the 'draft' overlay (underlay?) at the moment 
because it looked awful on a non-white background.


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