proposed spin-off of wiki team

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Mar 23 14:08:23 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 07:47 -0500, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> As stated in an earlier post to the list, I think it is time for the wiki team 
> to be some how spun off into its own group.  The wiki is not getting the 
> focus it needs and maybe it is time for a gruop of peple who head up the wiki 
> team to start having regular wiki meetings and move forward with increasing 
> activity there.
> It could perhas be a subpart of the doc group but it needs to be advertised 
> more, maybe having a ubuntu-wiki mailing group and have group meetings in 
> #ubuntu-meeting

My initial reaction is that a separate mailing list is a bad idea, for
the quite simple reason that the wiki has lots of great documentation on
it, and it would be a bad idea if the people dealing with the non-wiki
docs lost sight of that. For example, recently when Brian Shumate was
posting those awesome guides on the wiki and announcing them on the
mailing list, that material was great to know about so that it can be
used and linked to from our docs.

In the context of the initiatives to bring the wiki and other docs
closer, I think separating the mailing lists would be a bad idea, and
wouldn't have any significant advantages.

I think the current balance is about right.

mdke at
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