Wiki Issues

Naaman Campbell naamanc2 at
Wed Mar 22 20:42:10 UTC 2006

On 3/22/06, Duncan Lithgow <duncan at> wrote:
> > The reason why I continue to remove links to non-existant documents is
> > because they do not exist yet.. I don't understand why this is not
> > clear.  The pages that are linked directly off UserDocumentation exist
> > as an index for documents that are:
> >
> > 1. Complete
> > 2. Free of errors and meet a minimum standard
> Says who? Where's the document stating this? Where's the explanation of
> this on UserDocumentation?<snip>

On both the FrontPage and the UserDocumentation pages there is a link
to the WikiGuide - which stated:

"Don't link pages in UserDocumentation until they have been reviewed
and are out of CategoryCleanup"

The above statement clearly states the intention of UserDocumentation
and the review process before links are added to UserDocumentation. 
UserDocumentation used to contain the links that are now found in
pages linked directly off UserDoc like Multimedia, Video, etc..  I
have changed the statement to reflect the current change in the format
of UserDoc:

"Don't link pages on the pages directly linked-off UserDocumentation
(eg. Multimedia) until they have been reviewed and are out of

I hope this clears things up for you.


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