ubuntu wiki observations

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 22 07:49:47 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 11:35 +1100, Dan McGarry wrote:
> Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> > 
> > I disagree, I think users should be brought to the last page they were viewing 
> > when the log in. I use a lot of different computers and there are times that 
> > I want to login, change a wiki page and then logout as it is not my computer.  
> > I like the fact that I am brought back to the last page I was at.
> Withb respect, there's a difference between a desirable feature and a 
> default one. What you're describing seems good and useful, but I don't 
> know whether useability studies would support your suggestion that this 
> feature should be made available to the exclusion of others.
> UI is hard at the best of times, so it's good to get a wide set of 
> perspectives and use profiles to inform the process. Typically, a really 
> useful UI will have a simple interface with few of the most popular 
> options only a click or a keystroke away, and the rest within spitting 
> distance (as it were), but not so close as to confuse the display.
> FWIW, I work at a minimum of 5 workstations in the course of every week 
> (frequently many more). My response to the issue you describe is to 
> carry my settings with me on a USB device, rather than rely on the 
> server to do the heavy lifting. As Perl folks like to say, There's More 
> Than One Way To Do It. 8^)
> On this particular issue, I suspect a lot of people would appreciate a 
> feature that allows them to easily pick up where they left off. That 
> said, I suspect that an equal or greater number of users might prefer a 
> default page with easy links to a number of commonly used resources.
> My 2 vatu....

The "Remember last page" feature can be turned off. Sadly the
alternative is that it takes you to the UserPreferences page after you
log in, which is hardly particularly useful. We may be able to change
this to the Front page, I'll have a poke around.

mdke at ubuntu.com
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