meeting summary

Matthew East mdke at
Sat Mar 18 18:29:35 UTC 2006

Hi all,

This is a quick summary of the meeting from yesterday.

      * Author attribution - proposal is to have the author of every
        document as the Documentation Team, with the team email address.
        Individual contributors can then be listed in the <legalnotice>

Everyone was in favour. Since this was my suggestion I'll send a
separate email to the list explaining the concept.

      * Internal doc freeze dates? What/when are we giving docs to

We will freeze on the 6th April, a two week extension. Later changes to
the distribution may necessitate some subsequent corrections to the
documentation, these will be allowed subject to emailing the -doc and
-translators list in order to inform translators of the changes. When a
change is made, a new template can be uploaded to Rosetta.

      * Current doc status. Where are we at with each doc? 
              * What can we have trappist (and other like minded word
                nazis) look at? 

The Server Guide and Packaging Guide were identified as good candidates
for some last minute work. Jordan raised the question of status pages:
all documents should have status pages and these should be up to date.
Also, status tags should not be added to minor sections of documents,
this causes too many tags and leads to confusion. Instead, chapters and
first level sections (for example) should have tags. We could also
investigate the possibility of laying out the status pages in a
tree-level layout, to minimise this sort of confusion.

      * Screenshots? How many and for what docs? How will the UI Freeze
        affect them? 

Placeholders for screenshots should be added by the freeze date. These
can be taken after UI Freeze, and authors can make this easier by
creating a wiki page with a list of screenshots which are required.
People can then just look at the page and upload the relevant

      * Do we have any prioritization of wiki pages (cleanup) that
        should be done before Dapper is released? 
Corey has done this, see his separate email to the list.

Thanks everyone for a fast and productive meeting! Please reply to this
mail if I've missed anything.

mdke at
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