
Naaman Campbell naamanc2 at
Tue Mar 14 12:14:59 UTC 2006

As you may notice, I have replaced the UserDocumenation wiki page with
the new version.  The new UserDocumentation is a major component of
the WikiCleanupProposal and allows for further focus on the quality &
usability of the Wiki.

Pressing forward with the WikiCleanupProposal, I have also
restructured the WikiToDo page to begin calling for participation in
the cleanup.  If you are interested in working on the Wiki, please
take the time to visit and identify
areas where you can help.  I believe the current high-level setup of
the Wiki provides for a great framework for more-inclusive WikiTeam
participation in the Wiki.

Please let me know your thoughts and comments about my changes and
proposed changes..  I would be interested in having a meeting about
the Wiki, if there was sufficient interest in the subject.

(insert generic "rock" statement here)
Keep on rockin',


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