using a period in lists?

a boy name sue imtheface at
Thu Mar 9 20:34:54 UTC 2006

I just read over the Ubuntu Desktop Guide and i noticed that there is
inconsistency on using a period inside lists. As I read in styleguide doc, it
said that: "In lists, use a period only if the list items are complete
sentences". But on what i saw in UDG, some typos follow this guide and some
others don't, so its bring inconsistency to the doc.

Some examples (not using a period):
   Choose: Applications->Programming->Devhelp
   To open aMule, choose Applications->Internet->aMule

But on other part (using a period):
   Choose System->Preferences->Preferred Applications.
   To open Pan Newsreader, choose Applications->Internet->Pan Newsreader.

And many others you can see in UDG, so for the sake of consistency, I think
someone should clear this things first. Honestly its made me confused! :) ...


[ Andy Apdhani ]

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