installation guide section on upgrading

John Steele Scott toojays at
Sat Mar 4 22:08:39 UTC 2006

Matthew East wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-03-04 at 15:05 +1030, John Steele Scott wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw the documentation letter put out my Matthew East this weekend and
>> decided to take a log at the Ubuntu install guide for Dapper. I am trying
>> to look at these docs from the point of view of the various people I have
>> given Breezy CDs to.
>> I noticed that in the table of contents for the install guide there is
>> nothing about upgrading from a previous version of Ubuntu. On the CD
>> sleeves of the Breezy CD there is nothing about upgrading either.
>> Is there any documentation for people who are upgrading from Breezy or
>> Hoary to Dapper?
> This will normally appear in the release notes. The draft release notes
> for dapper don't have this yet:
> Maybe we can think about including an entry in the Desktop Guide...

I should clarify that I wasn't actually thinking about "what's new in
Dapper" kind of information, but more the "how to upgrade" information.



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