RestrictedFormats page

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Wed Jun 21 07:23:44 UTC 2006

On 6/21/06, Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at> wrote:
> Venkat Raghavan V.C. wrote:
> >> The page really can't
> >> decide if it wants you to use gstreamer or xine.  Which is it?
> >
> > I think one of the issues with gstreamer has been that it does not
> > play DVDs. Once that has been fixed, I am guessing that we can go with
> > gstreamer for Ubuntu. Kubuntu uses xine for all of its codecs as it
> > works better than gstreamer (for now).
> I disagree. Last Sunday I could play DVD on my dad's laptop with totem-gstreamer and almost all
> gstreamer plugins packages installed. I couldn't use DVD menu or enable subtitles. But the DVD
> played well. The command I used is 'totem dvd://'.
> The laptop has dapper installed.
> (off-topic: The movie was 'Shawshank Redemption'.)
> >> I think the 'alternative media players' section should be moved to the
> >> end,
> >> so that people are first taken down the (ever-improving) gstreamer route,
> >> and then, only if that fails, are put onto Xine.
> >
> > I am not sure how gstreamer works with the w32codecs and such since I
> > am on a powerpc machine, so no comment :)
> >
> GStreamer works pretty well with w32codecs when gstreamer0.10-pitfdll is installed. I can play .wmv,
> .mov, .mp4, .m4v and .rm files.

if you install the gstreamer plugins from multiverse
(gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse packages ) you don't need the
w32codecs to play most (all?) .mov .mp4 and .m4v  files you can find
online...or at least the one I have tried in recent months.

Daniel Robitaille

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