SwitchingFromWindows Guide

Venkat Raghavan venkatraghavan at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 18:08:47 UTC 2006

Hi all,

On Monday 19 June 2006 13:20, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> We talked in the Doc Team on Friday about some of the documents that
> I have proposed for Kubuntu
> (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/Edgy) and one of the documents
> I mentioned was a Switching From Windows guide. 
This is a good idea, though I will not be able to contribute much on the 
Windows side of things as I dont use Windows. I might be able to handle 
the Ubuntu/Kubuntu conversion though. 

> Some of you may 
> recall that in the midst of the Dapper Release, Riddell passed along
> a website created by somoene who uses Kubuntu in regards to switching
> from MS Windows to Kubuntu and had a list of steps on what to do
> etc...  Well this document was not a high priority and as the book
> started got placed behind aschedule.  (I don't even think it was
> validating correctly last time I looked at it.)

Is this link the same as 

> One thing we talked about at the meeting was whether there would be a
> need for a speicfic guide, one for Kubuntu and one for Ubuntu or
> something we can have in the generic or commen forlder.  I am arguing
> for a specific Kubuntu based version of Switching From Windows and
> something that we can then publish on help.ubuntu.com.

As we all know, the CLI stuff will remain the same (there is not much on 
the wikipage). However, the gui ways of doing things are vastly 
different and so I would think that we would need different guides. 

> Thoughts?
Right now, I am not sure if I can commit any time to this, but I will 
let you know as soon as I know! 


Venkat 'robotgeek' Raghavan
Email: venkatvc (at) ubuntu.com | venkatraghavan (at) gmail (dot) com
GPG Key: 0xE9E707A9
Homepage: http://robotgeek.org
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