OSEmulation really isn't

Mike MacCana mike.maccana at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 04:27:03 UTC 2006

The OSEmulation page's content mainly describes things which aren't
emulation (ie, WINE, Cedega, Xen, VMWare, QEmu with KQemu etc).
Also it's name isn't as task based i.e., nobody specifically intends to
emulate an OS, they intend to do something which requires them them to run
another on inside Ubuntu.

I think it'd be better if the content to was moved to a page with a name
similar to 'RunningOtherOSsInsideUbuntu' or 'RunningAnotherOSInsideUbuntu'
(but I'd like the list to make a better suggestion).
Then redirecting OSEmulation to that page.

Does anyone have any thoughts, and can you help me think of a better name?

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