The OSEmulation page's content mainly describes things which aren't emulation (ie, WINE, Cedega, Xen, VMWare, QEmu with KQemu etc).<br>Also it's name isn't as task based i.e., nobody specifically intends to emulate an OS, they intend to do something which requires them them to run another on inside Ubuntu.
<br><br>I think it'd be better if the content to was moved to a page with a name similar to 'RunningOtherOSsInsideUbuntu' or 'RunningAnotherOSInsideUbuntu' (but I'd like the list to make a better suggestion).<br>Then redirecting OSEmulation to that page.
<br><br>Does anyone have any thoughts, and can you help me think of a better name?<br><br>Mike <br>