Permissions Patch

Naaman Campbell naamanc2 at
Mon Jan 30 14:11:49 UTC 2006

Attached is a completd Permissions section of the Desktop Starter
guide.  I have also created a new file ubuntu/menus/C/home-folder.xml
that needs to be created as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <guimenuitem>Home Folder</guimenuitem>

This should round off the currently "needed" sections of the Desktop
Starter guide, except for the Ipod section - I don't have one..

I now plan to move onto high level categorisation and improvement of
the Wiki, along with mass CategoryCleanup -> CategoryDocumentation
changeovers.  Look for the proposal of a Wiki love day at an upcoming
docteam meeting.

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