How about using icons on the wiki among other things

Brian Burger blurdesign at
Sun Jan 29 05:06:42 UTC 2006

On 1/25/06, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> Yes, you can. Moin is not so limited as all that. Feel free to upload
> screenshots to one easy-to-remember page (Images, for example) and link
> them from there.
> Personally, I think screenshots can be useful, but when overused they
> can also really get in the way. I believe there is a vein of thought
> that screenshots should never be used in high-quality documentation. I
> wouldn't go that far, but when they do not actually help explain
> anything, and are just pretty, I think they don't help.

Even just a simple screenshot of a basic dialogue box can help, I think.
It's confirmation that you are indeed looking at the same thing as the
author of whatever you're reading, if nothing else.

> Icons for tips and warnings are good, IMO.

They also don't have to take up vast amounts of vertical space on the wiki
page, to partially answer Corey's objection. Just leave no linebreak after
the "attachment:IconsPage/Foo.png" and it becomes an inline image.

Some of the icons on the wiki's IconPage are really far too large (the
Beagle one is the worst offfender) but that's a problem with single images,
not the whole concept.

Is it possible to float an image without wrapping it in table tags in
MoinMoin markup? I seem to recall trying and failing, but I can't find
anything specific on Moin's help pages.

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