How about using icons on the wiki among other things
Ross Clark
home at
Wed Jan 25 08:36:42 UTC 2006
>On 1/24/06, Brian Burger <blurdesign at> wrote:
>>On 1/24/06, Shirish Agarwal <shirishag75 at> wrote:
>>> The other thing is if we could iconify the links & have some
>>>screenshots to explain stuff. Sometimes a picture is worth a
>>> thousand words.
>>Given how incredibly easy the gnome-screenshot utility makes producing
>>screenshots in Ubuntu, I'm still surprised at how few screenshots
>>there are in the wiki & (especially) in the docs.
I agree. From work I've done on/in learning environments and materials,
people in general (I forget the percentage but it's very high) are much
more prone to understand verbal/written instructions if they are
accompanied by visuals.
>>The Desktop Guide in the actual docs is also in dire need of
>>screenshots. I'd do them, but I'm still running Breezy and have no
>>plans to upgrade to Dapper until after full release...
>There are two issues here, but tied up in Moin and its image handling,
>which is stuck in the stone ages.
I know this is a long shot and will be a bummer for whoever handles this
aspect of the ubuntu site but might it not be time for a change?
Finding something that will work better for the needs of the users and us.
A radical suggestion I know. But going through all possibilities and
then whittling them down to a workable solution ...
>1. Icons on the wiki. This is icons take up a lot of vertical space. I
>have been removing them as I come across them.
I think the icons should stay. Visual navigation items do help the
inexperienced user a great deal. That's why in the various ".. for
dummies" books and children's/ adults revision guides you will find a
lot of them. They help the eye through the page and fix on points of
information. A page which is just text can seem very daunting.
>My ideal image storage would be an extension of our SVN repo that
>could be accessed in Moin, accessible for all documentation, wiki or
>in SVN.
Sounds good!
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