Yelp customisations

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Jan 24 17:50:12 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 09:26 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> Dear all,
> I spoke to Jeff some time ago about making some customisations to the
> yelp stylesheets to add some Ubuntu theming. Nothing came of this for a
> while so I thought I'd mail this list to start things going.
> Attached is a default.css file (which goes into the data/ folder in the
> yelp source). The only modifications I've made are to include some
> Ubuntu color and underlining in the headings. But hopefully we can make
> some more customisations later.

Disregard this attachment ;) I've since consulted upstream to figure out
how to do this properly, so I'll work on a proper patch for yelp soon.
The affected files are /usr/share/yelp/xsl/*. However, please still let
me know if any modifications to yelp stylesheets should not be done via
the yelp package, but rather via an ubuntu-artwork/docs package.

Another question is what modifications should be made. I had thought of
simply modifying the css for <h> and <a> tags as from the Ubuntu
website. Any objections, other ideas, please mail on this thread!

mdke at
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