Yelp customisations

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Jan 23 09:26:27 UTC 2006

Dear all,

I spoke to Jeff some time ago about making some customisations to the
yelp stylesheets to add some Ubuntu theming. Nothing came of this for a
while so I thought I'd mail this list to start things going.

Attached is a default.css file (which goes into the data/ folder in the
yelp source). The only modifications I've made are to include some
Ubuntu color and underlining in the headings. But hopefully we can make
some more customisations later.

Yelp isn't working right now so I haven't checked it, but it should be
quite non-controversial :)

I'm not sure however whether these customisations should be going into
Ubuntu branded packages (ubuntu-artwork, ubuntu-docs or something). Let
me know how we can do this.

mdke at
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
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