Publishing good wiki docs in the distribution

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Mon Jan 23 23:58:48 UTC 2006

> > What about shiping a static version with that having a link to the wiki version,
> > saying the wiki version is constatntly updated version reflecting any changes in
> >  software versions etc.
> On 1/23/06, Jerome Gotangco <jgotangco at> wrote:
> Yes that would work but the wiki page will  become "Errata" material
> as well (unless stated otherwise); erroneous entries in the frozen doc
> get changed to the wiki instantly.

hmm... well wouldn't the updates get pushed down into the distro as an
update anyway so it would not really have to act as errata (although
we could still have WikiPage/Errata as a reference point)?

ubuntu-doc 5.10-x.x updates happen now... the wiki updates/fixes would
be applied (after going through whatever processes we use to get from
wiki page to a local distro doc) to the distro via an update.

These updates can (and do from what I have seen) happen regularly.

Matt T. Galvin
GPG: 0x01403A57

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