Voices from the users
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
mhz.chile at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 21:46:10 UTC 2006
> I had suggested something similar a while back: For people who do not have
> a good internet connection, there should be some snapshot of the LoCo Team
> list on the Live CD. (That was before I understood that most LoCo's cover
> an entire country.) If newbies could just pop in a CD without a network
> connection, and get a list of people in their geographic region that might
> be able to help them get started, it would be very useful. However, that
> might require LoCo contacts to volunteer a non-e-mail alternative method
> of providing help...
Well, actually, one of the many features of Moin is that all its pages
stored /data dir are plain text, and therefore backing up is just a
matter of copy/paste.
What is this good for?
Simple. We could easily ship MoinMoinDesktopEdition (defaults run
in :8000, IIRC) or a standard Moin server instance. Any moin 'falvour'
can easily access to a /data dir containing all our "selected" pages.
Actually, one of the projects we had in Tecnocimiento was to enable
synchronization of these /data dirs from a central server (in this case;
our repository). Unfortunately we could not continue with the idea but
that is a diff story ;p
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
irc.freenode.net | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es
ID #287183
[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']
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