Word Variations

John Jeffers john at j-microsystems.com
Sat Dec 30 15:03:29 UTC 2006


For my technical documents first I work with a style guide and an 
Appendix with the TLA's in it.  Thus you put your decisions in the 
Appendix (and you define them at the same time).

In my documents it is AMD64, ix86, i386, i586, EMT64, (Pentium D, 
Core Duo and Extreme that use AMD64 instruction set, "intel"(R) 
"AMD"(R) original "script") and Ethernet (per Xerox PARC documentation).

If I am not sure I typically use Wikipedia as todays most technically 
correct guide.  After all they already hashed it out so no wheel 
needs to be reinvented and it's like Subversion ">svn blame <filename>". ;-)

For Grins you can back end the style guide appendix onto a spell checker.

Cheers John

   At 12:35 AM 30-12-06, you wrote:
>Reading through some of the Ubuntu documentation tree I noticed a
>couple of words that appear different ways in the documentation.  I am
>looking for a consensus as to which variation seems best as there
>seemed to be a nearly even split when counting appearances.  The words
>1) Ethernet (with a capital "E") and ethernet
>2) AMD64 (capitalized AMD) and amd64
>I am inclined to go with capitalizing both of them.  Additionally, I
>was wondering if it would be worth while to update the style guide with
>any decision that we reach.
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