
Bhuvaneswaran bhuvan at
Fri Dec 29 03:44:18 UTC 2006

On 12/29/06, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> Some basic changes I'd like to make include:
> * Removing things which make it seem like a stand-alone guide, instead
> of a coherent part of a help system, such as the preface, introduction,
> installation, etc.
> * Restructuring so that the good stuff appears as high level structure.
> So, things like "Web server", "Email server" and so on would be top
> level sections.
> The question again arises of how to do this. As we discussed in relation
> to the switching from windows guide, the serverguide clearly has some
> merit as a standalone book as well as a part of an integrated help
> system. Things like "installation" which aren't relevant to an installed
> desktop system might still be of use elsewhere, because the server
> installation process is different to the regular one.
> So what do people think about the best way to do this? Preserve an
> original copy of the serverguide and fork a version for the desktop help

I also like to suggest this approach. We can preserve the original
copy and fork a version for the desktop help system. I think it's
appropriate to include all sub-sections under 'Networking' and
'Windows Networking' sections for the help system.
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