new members

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Thu Dec 21 20:13:38 UTC 2006

On Thursday 21 December 2006 13:36, Matthew East wrote:
| Based on the quality of patches sent in recently, I'd like to add Brian
| Murray and Will Simpson as members with commit rights to svn.
| Will - you need to add a PGP/GNUPG key to Launchpad and sign the Code of
| Conduct first, there is a guide on that here:
| Matt

Awesome! Brian and Will, welcome to the family! I have seen the work from the 
both of you coming across here recently and it looks good. It is great to 
have some fresh blood and definitely some help to the team. If I can be of 
any assistance to the both of you while you catch up and get used to the way 
we work around here, feel free to contact me either via IRC (nixternal) or 

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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