Serious reworking of ubuntu-docs directory

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Mon Dec 18 14:25:59 UTC 2006

> On Saturday 16 December 2006 10:22, Matthew East wrote:
> | I've manually merged the topic-based-help branch to trunk, so now the
> | trunk/ubuntu directory looks VERY DIFFERENT.
> |
> | The build system in trunk/ubuntu is now not working, and neither is the
> | packaging in trunk/debian. Just a heads up.
> |
> | Please feel free to consider the TopicBasedHelp specification and make
> | comments on the layout/structure/content. :)
> |
> | Matt
> Excellent job Matt on getting this all worked out. I am feeding off of
> your
> enthusiasm and have started setting up kubuntu/C/ the same way you have
> set
> it for Ubuntu. Extracting the topics out of the files is of course the
> biggest portion.
> Kubuntu guys, how about seeing who is going to work on what and possibly
> splitting up the work to start rocking on. I can't wait to see this all
> come
> together, very exciting watching it unfold right before your eyes.
> Thanks everyone!
> --
> Rich Johnson
> nixternal at
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at


Is there a section of Kubuntu/C that you want to work on?  You get first
pick in my view as you started it and I'll pick up others.  Thansk for
getting this done as I was once again at my in-laws who are !internet. 
(yes there are still people like that)
Jonathan Jesse

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