Download page

Will Simpson at
Sun Dec 17 01:48:40 UTC 2006

Bob, you are right that it is a little confusing as to where the
mirrors are physically. I don't worry about this too much. Your
question about the md5sums is correct. For some reason it is too hard
to find these. Select the "Other installation options" link under the
mirror of choice. Then scroll down till you see the file listings. At
the top will be a file called MD5SUMS and it will contain all the
md5sums for all the images. Here is the one from Walla Walla College
in Walla Walla Washington.

This is too hard to find. I'm not sure who to query this to though.

Will Simpson
Moscow, Idaho
irc nick: linuxphotogeek

On 12/16/06, Baasha <baasha at> wrote:
> I'm not sure this is the right list to post this to, but if not, perhaps
> someone can point me in the right direction.
> I would like to make two points about the Download Ubuntu page at
> 1. There is a long list of mirrors which are divided by countries and
> regions.  But within those divisions there is no indication of the
> geographical locations.  The whole idea of having mirrors, I thought,
> was to enable users to pick the one closest to home in order to take the
> load off any one server and also to speed up download time.  Sometimes
> one can figure out where the mirror is by clues in the website address
> (universities, for instance).  But in most cases there is no clue.  The
> average user is just going to pick the first server in the list, which
> defeats the whole purpose.  I would suggest that next to the server name
> you place a location to rectify this problem.
> As an aside, there no longer seems to be any servers in Canada, which is
> a pity.  A location in western Canada would be nice.
> 2.  In the download instructions we are told to check the integrity of
> the download using the md5sums.  The md5sums are conspicuous by their
> absence on the Ubuntu site.  Using a search of the site turns up
> nothing.  I checked on the forums about this and was given a couple of
> non-official Ubuntu sites which give a lot of information about checking
> the md5sum for a Ubuntu download, but they both refer the user back to
> the download site to get the numbers.  The links for the mirrors only
> produce the actual distribution download.  A new user would soon get
> tired of this run-around and just give up.
> Bob
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

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