Download page

t u towsonu2003 at
Sun Dec 17 01:46:30 UTC 2006

Baasha wrote:
> I'm not sure this is the right list to post this to, but if not, perhaps 
> someone can point me in the right direction.
> I would like to make two points about the Download Ubuntu page at 
> 1. There is a long list of mirrors which are divided by countries and 
> regions.  But within those divisions there is no indication of the 
> geographical locations.  The whole idea of having mirrors, I thought, 
> was to enable users to pick the one closest to home in order to take the 
> load off any one server and also to speed up download time.  Sometimes 
> one can figure out where the mirror is by clues in the website address 
> (universities, for instance).  But in most cases there is no clue.  The 
> average user is just going to pick the first server in the list, which 
> defeats the whole purpose.  I would suggest that next to the server name 
> you place a location to rectify this problem.
> As an aside, there no longer seems to be any servers in Canada, which is 
> a pity.  A location in western Canada would be nice.
> 2.  In the download instructions we are told to check the integrity of 
> the download using the md5sums.  The md5sums are conspicuous by their 
> absence on the Ubuntu site.  Using a search of the site turns up 
> nothing.  I checked on the forums about this and was given a couple of 
> non-official Ubuntu sites which give a lot of information about checking 
> the md5sum for a Ubuntu download, but they both refer the user back to 
> the download site to get the numbers.  The links for the mirrors only 
> produce the actual distribution download.  A new user would soon get 
> tired of this run-around and just give up.
> Bob

I too think the download page could be better. I reported your feedback
here (you might want to follow up on them -I will too-):



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