Advanced Commandline howto wiki document

Daniel Goldsmith daniel.goldsmith at
Thu Dec 14 09:29:48 UTC 2006

On 12/13/06, Brian Burger <blurdesign at> wrote:
> On 12/12/06, Harry Steffens <mihakriket at> wrote:
> >
> > Alexandre,
> >      Thank you for the feedback. Based on you suggestions, I think a
> another document will need to be created for BASH scripting. I searched and
> the wiki does not currently have a document on BASH scripting.
> There are, however, some very good BASH scripting docs already written - do
> we really need to re-invent the wheel for the Ubuntu wiki when we could just
> link to existing resources?
> I know that the BasicCommands intro-to-CLI page has at least a couple of
> links to BASH scripting tutorials already, actually.


I've just done some editing on the Advanced Commandline page before I
saw this thread.
I agree that Bash scripting is well provided for in tldp, for example,
with the Introduction to Bash Scripting[1]  *and* the Advanced Bash
Scripting Guide[2].

In my opinion, the advanced commandline page itself should be
primarily a link to the vast resources available on the topics
contained. I think the current structure needs to be overhauled, and
reference to alternate shells reduced to basic information and links
(as in my proposed Editors structure)

The continual reinventing the wheel in ubuntu-docs is seriously
depleting the quality of the documentation itself, particularly when
it is compared with much more mature distributions and the
documentation/experience they have accreted over time.

If something is done properly elsewhere, the information should be
conextualised to a Ubuntu user's experience, then linked to. An Ubuntu
Bash-Scripting guide would just be wasteful.




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