R.e. Advanced commandline - proposed chapter for Server guide attached

icosa atropa icos.atropa at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 03:57:46 UTC 2006

>There are, however, some very good BASH scripting >docs already written - do
>we really need to re-invent the wheel for the Ubuntu wiki >when we
could just link to existing resources?

Understood.  We want to point to explanations-of-details where they
exist.  In addition, I see great value in explaining how the CL pieces
fit together under linx/ubuntu - i feel like some work remains there.
(Incidentally, my current favorite bash ref is the actively maintained
Advanced Bash Scripting Guide: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs )

> Super. Consider adding a heading for aliases.

Agreed.   I imagine this would go under section 3 of the draft server
guide CL chapter, "shell environment."

Please feel free to add-to-and-edit the submitted draft.  My initial
goal was to flesh-out an outline that we could all add detail to as
desired. I haven't quite figured out the wiki vs. svn process...

take care,

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