minor correction on ubuntu FAQ

Richard Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Dec 9 15:44:25 UTC 2006

On Saturday 09 December 2006 01:44, Jon Salenger wrote:
| FAQ correction:
| from Question: 'Can You Send Me Source CDs?'
| Answer's last line:
| ...from Canonical for them cost...
| should read: ...from Canonical for the cost...
| best,
| Jon Salenger
| PS If this was sent to the wrong place, please let me know. I'm
| sending to this mailing list re: Documentation Team page:  "New
| contributors and members are always welcome. People are needed mostly
| for writing and editing, but there are many other ways of making a
| useful contribution. For example, simply pointing out errors (such as
| typos, grammar and spelling, and technical errors) is an extremely
| useful way to help."


Thanks again for reporting this. I went ahead and filed a bug report against 
the Ubuntu Website. https://launchpad.net/bugs/75131

Thanks again!

.:Richard Johnson
.:nixternal at ubuntu.com
.:ubuntu.com .:kubuntu.com .:edubuntu.com .:xubuntu.com
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