Stepping down for a bit...

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at
Fri Dec 8 19:32:29 UTC 2006

Hi all,

As I begin writing my thesis on the Ubuntu community, I find that I
cannot maintain any sort of analytical distance and reflective glance on
the community while I am too deeply involved with it at the same time.
I've written about this at length here:

At the demand of my advisor, I must therefore step down from any
initiatives I've started with the Ubuntu Documentation Team over the
last months, this includes the Topic-based-help spec and the "Contribute
to Ubuntu" document which I will have to put up for adoption.

I'm sorry about this, especially since I was really psyched about this
work up to and during the Mountain View Summit, but the harsh realities
of academia is catching up with me, unfortunately, which you've probably
already noticed in my distinct lack of activity over the past month.

It's been really great working with you guys, even though it was short,
and I hope you can make Feisty rock as much as we've planned. I do plan
to return and put in more work with the Doc Team once my thesis is out
of the way, probably in 6 months time, so I hope to see all of you again
on-line then.

Take care,



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